If you provided a valid e-mail address during the purchase process, you will receive an e-mail message shortly after you make a purchase confirming your online order, shipment method, and the total amount to be charged to your credit card. Please note that we authorize the amount of the order when you place the order to validate your credit card, your credit card is charged within 3 days of placing the order. In the event that the product availability changes after the credit card has been charged, you will receive a refund in full for the unavailable product.
DO YOU HAVE A CATALOG?We do not offer a catalog. All of our styles can be viewed and ordered on our website.
WHAT TYPE OF FABRIC OR MATERIAL IS USED?If you need further clarification on dress fabrics that are not listed in the product description, please contact us.
IS MY INFORMATION SECURE USING THIS SITE?Yes, we use the latest technology to ensure your information is secure. To get more information, please read our privacy policy
DO YOUR PRODUCTS RUN TRUE TO SIZE?The production process of each product is different, but the size is a universal size, in line with the size.
HOW DO I TELL IF A DRESS IS AVAILABLE?Unfortunately availability changes by the minute and we are unable to know availability on your dress until you place an order. Once your order is placed, we will either pull your dress from our inventory or an
Our employee will call the designer directly to order your dress. We will contact you ASAP to let you know when we can have this dress for you.
WHERE CAN I FIND THE SIZE ?The size is located below the size of the item you are viewing and is a generic size.